School council
Welcome to our school council page.
Our school council aims
- The school council has been developed to enable a recognised voice to the pupils at Healdswood Infant and Nursery School.
- School council provides our children with the opportunity to make a difference to their learning environment and experience.
- School council ensures that everyone’s opinions are valued, and pupils can confidently contribute their ideas, allowing our schools continued improvements on previous bests.
- School council encourages independence and autonomy as well as speaking and listening skills, which is an important focus for our school.
- School council aims to be involved in the development of all areas of school life.
- School council hopes to continue good practice and develop the future role of our school council.
What is school council?
Members of the School Council will act as role models and follow the rules listed below.
- Be role models by demonstrating the attributes of the learning powers within their class
- Model the school rules throughout the day
- Attend council meetings to discuss how to improve the school
- Make decisions and feedback to their class mates
- Liaise with School Council members from other schools
We welcomed our new members, gave out badges and took photos for the board.
Next meeting is scheduled for 16.1.25
We discussed what we would like to change about our school and litter in the outside play areas was discussed. We decided that we wanted to do a litter pick and design some posters to remind everyone to keep our play space tidy and litter free. Mrs Renshaw suggested that we have a design a poster competition which we will discuss and organise at our next meeting.
The council members also discussed what new toys they would like outside for Opal time at lunch. The suggestions were:
- MIni trampolines
- Finger skateboards
- Teddies
- More scooters and bikes
We passed the suggestions on to the Opal team.
Next meeting is scheduled for 12.2.25
We discussed the competition to design a poster about keeping our play space tidy again. We decided that we would like to do this at school as some people might not have pens and paper at home. Mrs Clay will email the class teachers to arrange this as well as some ideas for designs. The school council members will help to organise a class vote so we can choose the ones we want to display around our outdoor area.
The council members had some more ideas of things they would like to see in the outdoor area. These will be passed on to our Opal team:
- Dinosaurs in the digging area.
- Small figures.
- Play food and utensils to use in the caravan.
- A pool to have sea animals in and net to fish them out with.
- Sock puppets.
Some members of our School Council helped Mrs Dursley judge the decorate a paper plate competition for World Book Day. They chose the winners from each class.
Our next meeting is scheduled for 19.3.25
We held our meeting this afternoon and discussed the design a poster competition. The school council representatives all took a pack back to class which contained: information for the teacher, some ideas and some blank competition entry sheets. All the children in each class will get the opportunity to design a poster if they want to during school time. We will collect these back on the 2nd April and the council members will choose which ones we like best. The winners will receive a small prize and the posters will be displayed in the playground and forest school areas.