Sycamore - Year 2
Welcome to Sycamore Class 2024-25
The teachers in Sycamore Class are Miss Stretton-Clarke on Monday and Tuesday and Miss Gregory on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
We are lucky enough to be supported by Miss Dudley, Mrs Dove, Mrs Hufton and Mrs Alvey.
A few reminders...
- PE is on Monday. Children will bring their PE kit in a bag to get changed into after dinner. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled with your child's name.
- Forest School is on Wednesday. The children can come to school in their Forest School kit. Long legs and long sleeves are essential. During the winter months, please send your child with warm and waterproof clothing. In the summer months, children will need hats and sun cream where appropriate.
- Sycamore class will be going swimming every Wednesday morning. The children are VERY excited!
Reading is rewarding at Healdswood!
At Healdswood we recognise the importance of reading as a life-long skill and encourage the children to read for enjoyment as much as possible.
◦The children will change their reading set/colour band book once per week, every Friday.
◦They will also visit the school library once per week (Wednesday) and choose a book to share with grown ups at home.
◦We encourage children to read at home as often as they possibly can, but ask for a minimum of 3 times per week.
◦Please record in the reading diaries when your child has read and they will earn a raffle ticket each Friday for our special half- termly prize draw.
◦Children will also still have access to Oxford Owl where there are a variety of books for them to enjoy.
◦Please ensure your child brings their book bag every day to school as all children read every morning in class as part of the daily routine.
Spring 1 - How did Mary Anning's discoveries change our understanding of pre-historic life?
Autumn 2 - What does the world look like from above?
Autumn 1 - Do we appreciate where we live?