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Ash - Reception

Welcome to Ash Class!

Hi, I'm Mrs Dursley, the teacher in Ash Class!

We are very lucky to be supported each day by Miss Griffiths, Mrs Bowler,

Mrs Chamberlain and Mrs Bates.

A few reminders...

  • Every Friday we have PE in the afternoon.  Children need to come to school every Friday wearing their correct PE kit.  This includes black or navy joggers/shorts/leggings, a white t-shirt and a black or navy hoody or jumper and trainers.
  • Every Tuesday the children in Ash Class have Forest Schools in the morning.  Children need to come to school wearing warm clothes and shoes which are suitable for outdoor play  Please bring wellies and waterproofs in a separate bag to change into for Forest Schools.  
  • Children need their book bags in school every day.  We read with your children throughout the week and it is very important that this is recorded in their reading diaries.  Please remember to support your child with reading their reading book at home.  We ask that children read with an adult 5 times per week at home and that this is recorded in their Reading Diary.  Reading books are changed once a week however you can read anything additional with your child - magazines, recipes, picture books etc!

Summer 2 2024 - Hidden Treasures

This half term our learning will be centred around pirates, mermaids and the ocean.  We will be learning about Noah's ark and all about seaside's have changed over the years.  Below is an overview of our learning for our final half term in Reception...

Summer 1 2024 - Who Will I Be?

This half term we will be thinking about the different jobs that grown ups have and what how people with these jobs can help us.  We will be learning about vets, dentists, postal workers, doctors, police officers and more!  I you have a job please speak to your child about what you do when you go to work and why this is important!  Have a look below for more information about our learning for this half term!

Well done Ash Class, another super half term!  We have absolutely loved learning about the different jobs that people can do and how lots of these people can help us.  Have a look at some of our learning from Summer 1...

We've had another great half term in Ash Class.  The highlight was definitely our trip to the Tropical Butterfly House.  We've loved exploring and searching for signs of spring and seeing our caterpillars and sunflower seeds grow.  Have a look at the photos below!

Spring 1 2024 - Curious Characters!

This term we are thinking all about the fairytale characters in traditional tales.  As well as studying the characters we will be exploring the morals of each story.  We will be linking these to our school's Rainbow Rules and reinforcing why it is important that everyone in school follows them!  Please have a look an a more in depth overview below...

This half term has flown by!  The children in Ash Class have worked their socks off this half term making brilliant progress in all areas of learning.  We have thought very hard about the Rainbow Rules and loved linking these to fairytale characters, some naughty and some nice!  We finished the half term learning about China and how Chinese New Year was celebrated!  Have a look below at some of our learning from Spring 1...

Autumn 2 2023 - I wonder...

This half term is all about celebrations!  We will be finding out about the meanings behind Bonfire Night, Diwali, Remembrance Day, Birthdays and Christmas!  We will be doing a Geography study on India, looking at the similarities and differences with the country and celebrations and comparing them to our own.  Please see the overview below for more information...

We've had a really busy term learning all about different celebrations and getting ready for Christmas!  Have a look below at some of our learning from Autumn 2...

We've had a great first half term in Ash class.  Have a look through our photos to see some of our amazing learning...

Parents notice - 18.9.2023

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) has been a statutory assessment from September 2021 onwards. It provides a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between reception and the end of primary school.  Over the next few weeks the children in our class will be completing a baseline assessment with an adult.  You can read more about this via the links below.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

My First Day at School photos!

There's still time to purchase photos - 4 for £3