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At Healdswood, we work hard to safeguard the children in our care by protecting them from harm so that they can grow up safe, happy and healthy.  Safeguarding concerns are a priority within school and all staff have received appropriate Safeguarding training including PREVENT training.

Through our curriculum we teach children to stay safe and happy.  We encourage the understanding that any problem or worry that they may have is legitimate, and to share their worries, big or small with their trusted adult at home or at school.

Key contacts::

Designated Safeguarding Lead : Mrs Jayne Renshaw (Head Teacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead : Mrs Naomi Townsend (Deputy Head)

Safeguarding Governor : Mrs Louise Knott

Safer Recruitment : Mrs Jayne Renshaw (Head Teacher) & Mrs Naomi Townsend (Deputy Head) 


Keeping Children Safe in Education



At Healdswood Infant and Nursery school we work hard to educate children on how to stay safe online.  Children learn about staying safe when using technology and the dangers they may face.  This is done through stories, activities, assemblies, PSHE lessons, songs and videos.  We have clear internet rules and we have child friendly, supportive procedures to allow children to report worries or concerns.  We want our children to be responsible internet users.  The internet is an exciting place, with much to learn from it, together we can help children to use it in a responsible way whilst still having fun and learning!  Please click on the links below to find further information and ideas that you can use at home.

Use the links below to find out more about what we teach children about how to stay safe online:

  • Lee and Kim's Adventures: This is one of the cartoons we use to teach children about being safe online. Please watch it with your child and talk about how you could follow these rules outside of school.