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School council

Welcome to our school council page.

Our school council aims

  •  The school council has been developed to enable a recognised voice to the pupils at Healdswood Infant and Nursery School.
  • School council provides our children with the opportunity to make a difference to their learning environment and experience.
  • School council ensures that everyone’s opinions are valued, and pupils can confidently contribute their ideas, allowing our schools continued improvements on previous bests.
  • School council encourages independence and autonomy as well as speaking and listening skills, which is an important focus for our school.
  • School council aims to be involved in the development of all areas of school life.
  • School council has been very successful so far and we hope to continue this good practice and develop the future role of our school council.

What is school council?

Members of the School Council will act as role models and follow the rules listed below.

  • Be role models of learning behaviour within their class
  • Model the 7 rainbow rules throughout the day
  • Attend learning council meetings to discuss how to improve learning in the school
  • Review the quality of learning in the school (books, lessons, environment, homework)
  • Make decisions and feedback on how to improve learning within the school
  • Liaise with School Council members from other schools

13.10.21 In this School council meeting we went out on a litter pick.

The school council collected litter in the local community.

Spoke to a ex local council member in the community about the litter around the park.

She suggested writing a letter to the local council to fund some more litter picks for school.

We welcomed the news that our toy sale had raised enough funds to buy the school a buddy bench.

We decided to run a school competition to design the logo for the bench, then have a school vote to choose the winning design.

Next meeting- 10. 11. 21

Share ideas from class council

Write letter to council about litter picks.

Choose 3 finalists for the whole school vote.

15.09.21 In this School council meeting we welcomed our new members.

The school council welcome our new representatives,

Took photographs

Handed out school council badges

Updated the school council display

Discussed the role of the school council.

Next meeting-

Share ideas from class council, Christmas activities.

In this School council meeting we discussed playtimes.

Playground equipment

Suggested items included-

slide, swing, balance trail, climbing frame, chalk board, train and pallet car, musical area, waterplay and chimes.


Rainy indoor playtimes

The children would like-

Board games, music to dance to and to watch videos.


Playtime friendships

The council voted on what to do to help children find someone to play with in the playground. 

Our joint winning ideas were having playtime buddies and a buddy bus stop or bench.


Follow up actions-

We have presented these ideas to the head teacher. In class council a vote will be held to choose a playtime buddy for each class. In school council we will explore costing of suggested items and consider fundraising options.


Next meeting-

School council has chosen to discuss lunchtimes.

In this School council meeting we discussed playtimes.

Lunch time playground equipment

Suggested items included-

Bats and balls, parachute, stilts, skipping ropes and hoops. A store of equipment which was just for lunchtimes


Playtime buddies and buddy bench

In class council the children voted for one playtime buddy from each class.

The school council discussed where to position the buddy bench to ensure friends could spot the children wishing to use it.



The children are planning to hold a table top toy sale before the end of the school year to raise funds for the buddy bench and playground equipment.


Follow up actions-

We have presented these ideas to the head teacher and asked for a suitable date for the table top sale. In class council the children will prepare posters to inform the school community about the table top toy sale.


Next meeting-

Preparation for the toy sale.