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Maple - Year 1

Welcome to Maple Class!

Maple Class is taught by Mrs Clay.

Mrs Walker works with us and support our learning.

We have lots of fun in Year 1 and always try our best!

A few reminders...

  • Forest Schools is on a Wednesday afternoon. 
  • Every Wednesday morning the children in Maple Class have PE. 
  • Children need their book bags in school EVERY DAY.  We read with your children throughout the week and it is very important that this is recorded in their reading diaries.  Please remember to support your child with reading their reading book at home.  We ask that children read with an adult at least 3 times per week at home and that this is recorded in their Reading Diary.  Reading books are changed once a week however you can read anything additional with your child - magazines, recipes, picture books etc!

Our Learning Environment

Our Learning 2023-2024

Spring 2            

Who has Zoomed to the Moon?



This half term we are thinking all about space. We will be finding out about famous astronauts like Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and comparing the journeys that they took. We will be finding out about Neil Armstrong's life and thinking about the steps he took to become a successful astronauts. 

In our English we are learning the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy and we will be using the Talk for writing sequence to write our own journey story. 

 Spring 1 

Who Lives Here?

Year 1 are thinking about whether we live in the United Kingdom, Great Britain or England this half term. In Geography we will be looking at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, their capital cities and the surrounding seas. We will also take a closer look at our capital city, London, through our English and will write fact files about the city and it's landmarks. We will also help Paddington Bear plan a trip to London, tell him all the exciting things there are to do and keep him informed by writing a letter.

 What's This? 

This half term our History focus is Toys. We are thinking about toys in the past and present.  Year 1 will be looking at a variety of toys through the ages and considering whether they have changed or not and why. We will be thinking scientifically about the materials that the toys and other objects are made from and deciding why. 



Where Do I Belong?

This half term we will be looking at our local area and discussing the place that we live. We will be go on walks around our local area and visit important community locations. We will be identifying and naming different parts of a plant and will be going out in our outdoor area to spot deciduous and evergreen trees and explain what makes them special

Our Learning 2022-2023

Summer 2

In our final half term, we will be thinking about What is Special About Cleethorpes? In Geography, we will be looking at the similarities and differences between our local area and Cleethorpes. To do this, we will go on a very special visit to Cleethorpes! We will be creating a Non-Fiction Fact File about sea creatures and their habitats. We will continue to practise our place value up to 100, as well as looking at fractions (½ and ¼) of shape and amount. We will continue to practise our place value up to 100, as well as looking at fractions (½ and ¼) of shape and amount.

Summer 1 

This half term, we are thinking about What Gives us Superpowers? We will be making our very own healthy superhero snack  in Design and Technology and using different skills, such as chopping, slicing and grating, to do so. We will also be discussing what foods are healthy and how we can keep our bodies healthy. In History, we will be focusing on a very special nurse from the past. We will be exploring the life and work of Florence Nightingale and finding out how she changed hospitals and nursing for the better. 

 Spring 2            

Who has Zoomed to the Moon?



This half term we are thinking all about space. We will be finding out about famous astronauts like Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and comparing the journeys that they took. We will be finding out about Neil Armstrong's life and thinking about the steps he took to become a successful astronauts. 

In our English we are learning the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy and we will be using the Talk for writing sequence to write our own journey story. 

Spring 1 

Who Lives Here?

Year 1 are thinking about whether we live in the United Kingdom, Great Britain or England this half term. In Geography we will be looking at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, their capital cities and the surrounding seas. We will also take a closer look at our capital city, London, through our English and will write fact files about the city and it's landmarks. We will also help Paddington Bear plan a trip to London, tell him all the exciting things there are to do and keep him informed by writing a letter.

 What's This? 

This half term our History focus is Toys. We are thinking about toys in the past and present.  Year 1 will be looking at a variety of toys through the ages and considering whether they have changed or not and why. We will be thinking scientifically about the materials that the toys and other objects are made from and deciding why. 



Where Do I Belong?

This half term we will be looking at our local area and discussing the place that we live. We will be go on walks around our local area and visit important community locations. We will be identifying and naming different parts of a plant and will be going out in our outdoor area to spot deciduous and evergreen trees and explain what makes them special.